Friday, June 21, 2013

Part 2 and 3 of the Interview with Mary Bielich and Matt Tuitte

Part 2 is right here of the interview. In Part 2 I interviewed Matt Tuitte, Mary Bielich's bandmate/husband. Matt and Mary are very good musicians. I also consider them as part of the Hours Productions Family.
1. How old were you when you joined your first band?
- I was 19 when I joined my first band. It was called Tick and it was a thrash band.
2. How many bands have you been in since your first band?
- I've been in about a dozen bands over the years that have toured/played shows/recorded.
3. Any crazy band/touring stories you wouldn't mind sharing?

- Wickerman had a lot of crazy tours back in the 90's. We toured with a diverse slew of bands such as Testament, White Zombie, Weedeater, Marilyn Manson, The Meatmen, GWAR, Machine Head and Life of Agony. We had a lot of good times playing in small clubs, big arenas and partying with these bands and learned a lot about what it means to be a touring band. Since living in Pittsburgh I've had the chance to go and tour in Europe with Penance and Behind Enemy Lines which was an amazing experience as well. Good times all around!
4. What did you think when you recorded your first track for the first Penance Album you were on?

- It's always an adventure when recording. Sometimes things come out better than you could imagine and other times you want to add more to it to try and enhance the song you're working on.
The Penance albums I was on were recorded in a 200+ year old house in rural Maryland. The drums were tracked in the former slaves quarters and it is said to be haunted with the souls of the vanquished from The Battle of South Mountain which began across the road. I never saw any ghosts but others have claimed to. I felt very comfortable there.
5. If you had a chance to do it all over again, and it would end up differently, would you?

- Maybe. But I try not to dwell on the past too much. There is too much to do in the present for that.
Ok guys this is the much anticipated Part 3 of my interview with Pittsburgh's own Metal Mary Bielich and her husband Matt Tuitte. This interview has taken almost 3 months to complete.
1. Was Penance the first band you two actually played in together?
Matt - Yes
Mary - Yep, and after that it was Behind Enemy Lines. We played in both bands together and both bands were active at the same time. Now we play in Mud City Manglers and Del Rios together. Derketa is the only band out of the three that I am in that is completely Mattless. :)
2. Matt, how many years did it take you to master your craft of playing guitar in metal bands?
I've played many different styles over the years from country to rock and roll. I don't think i'll ever consider myself a master of any form. I still practice every day.
3. Mary, is bass in a metal band the hardest version of bass to play?

It can be - It all depends on how you play it! It can also be the simplest, but I always hope that people don't opt to take the easy and boring routw. There is a misconception that playing the bass is easier than playing the guitar. If you play he bass and you feel that way, in my opinion, that means you're not playing the bass as you should. The two are totally different instruments can can be as simple or challenging as you choose to make them, even in the metal genre.
4. If you had a chance to open for a world known metal band, and possibly tour with them, who would it be?

Matt: I don't know. Maybe Venom?
Mary: Tough to call, but I opening for Motorhead wouldn't be too shabby!
5. Now both of you, if an up and coming film maker asked you guys to do music for thier films, what would you say, if it wasn't me?

Matt: Sure.
Mary: Yep, would love to.
6. Besides playing killer music, what are your day jobs? Alot of people want to know.

Matt: I build dinosaurs
Mary: I fix cars!
7. Now I know Matt, you are from the Chicago area, and Mary you have family here in Pittsburgh with strong roots here. So when a Chicago team plays a Pittsburgh team, who do you guys root for? (Notice this is a non music question, lol.)

Matt: Chicago
Mary: Pittsburgh, but always Chicago if Pittsburgh isn't playing.
8. So who in the Pittsburgh Musical and Arts scene would you guys like to collaborate with?

Matt: sometimes it's hard to find time to do everything you'd like to when you have a variety of interests along with a full time job. Theres a lot of super talented people here in Pittsburgh I'd love to get with on some projects, too many to list.

Mary: Weird Paul!
9. Any reccomendations for who I should interview next?

Matt: Tom Reynolds(cartoonist/flyer artist)
Mary: I think that Scott and Kimmie from the INNERVENUS label would be great - The are involved with Pittsburgh music and so many levels! Good folks, too. :)

Thanks for taking the time to talk to us, D.! Good luck on those films!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Moment with a Legend: Mary Bielich Part 1

Ok, this is part One of my interview with Mary Bielich, lead singer of Del Rios, thier album Lobos was released a few months ago. Now let me do some background on how I actually got to do this interview. Mary is a legend in the Pittsburgh metal scene. She is also a very good friend of mine and this is my first blog that I will be interviewing musicians. So here is Part 1 of the interview.

1. How old were you when you joined your first band?

-- I was 16 and in high school in Indiana. My best buddy, Dirk
Chilian and I formed The Muhatmas. We were kind of punky and not
really very good at all, but man, we had fun.

2. How many bands have you been in since your first band?

-- WAY too many. 30? I think around there somewhere! (That includes
fill-ins and one-off shows.)

3. Any crazy band/touring stories you wouldn't mind sharing?

-- Dennis, you know the saying, "What happens in Vegas stays in
Vegas"? AHEM - HA! No, actually, no crazy stories from me. I was
ALWAYS in charge of doing the van night driving, which could be 6-16
hours in one stretch, so I was sober and boring almost 100% of the
time. Played some GREAT shows (In basements, kitchens, clubs, bars,
coffee shops, garages, squats), met LOTS of great people along the
way, saw LOTS of great bands, drank tons and tons and TONS of diet
soda. That pretty much breaks down the wild and crazy touring life
for me!

4. What did you think when you recorded your first track for the first
Penance Album you were on?

--I thought, "Oh crap...I hope they like this!"

5. If you had a chance to do it all over again, and it would end up
differently, would you?

-- Wouldn't change a thing. All decisions made, good or bad, paved
the groundwork for the future. I feel lucky to have experienced some
great things with some of the best people in the world, so nope, I'll
take the bad with the good, and keep things just the way they are.

6. What were your musical influences when you were younger, compared to now?

-- Almost everyone and everything that I hear is influential to me,
even to this day. Influences are EVERYWHERE. It's is impossible to
name them all as the list would go one for pages and pages, but I will
rattle off some of my classic solids:

Bass guitar: Jack Bruce (CREAM), John Entwistle (The WHO), John
Paul Jones (LED ZEP) , Christopher Squire (YES)
Guitar: Alex Lifeson (RUSH), Pete Townshend (The WHO), Michael
"Olga" Algar (TOY DOLLS), Brian May (QUEEN)
Vocals: Roger Daltrey (The WHO), John Brannon (NEGATIVE
                                                (The Above Photo is of Mary and Matt playing in The Mud Cityn Manglers.)

Stay tuned for Part 2. In Part 2 I will also be interviewing Mary's husband, guitar and music eficianato Matthew Tuitte.